San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Welcomes Investment and Real Estate Leaders to Its Board of Trustees
Tom Chapman and Corinne Verdery Join Board of Trustees as Two Newest Members
Cells vary in shape and function, and while some are enormous (the ostrich egg, the largest single cell in the animal kingdom, averages six inches long and weighs about three pounds), most cells can only be seen with the help of a microscope. The smallest object the human naked eye can see is approximately one-tenth of a millimeter (0.10 mm) in size—roughly the thickness of a piece of paper (0.15 mm), and the approximate diameter diameter of a Southern white rhino egg (0.14 mm). Let's zoom in and see how other cells measure up.
The Alliance’s Intricate Float Honored Historic Arrival of Giant Pandas
Ian Ingram, M.S., M.F.A., a conservation technology scientist for San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance (SDZWA) and leader of the Conservation Technology Lab, explores deep learning and its role in protecting wildlife.
This Charismatic and Intelligent Species Has Been Extinct in the Wild Since 2002