Elephants in a feild in the wild

We depend on nature.
Nature depends on us.

The health of wildlife, people, and the environment are interconnected—and we all rely on the health of our planet. 

San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance honors, celebrates, and advocates for that connection every day by caring for the diversity of plants and animals at our wildlife parks, developing sustainable community-led conservation efforts across the globe, and by inspiring allies to join us in creating a world where all life thrives.

Watch: We're All Connected

The health of wildlife, people, and the environment are interconnected—and we’re all dependent on the health of our planet.

Watch: A World Where All Life Thrives

Our planet can only thrive when all life thrives. This is the core of our mission, and it’s the thread that runs through all of our conservation efforts here in San Diego and around the world, from the high Arctic to the African savanna.  

Watch: It's Going to Take All of Us

When the health of nature is threatened, so is ours. By supporting nature’s resilience, we create balance and solutions for some of the world’s biggest challenges—but it’s going to take all of us together. 

SDZWA conservation hubs map.

Conservation Hubs

Our approach to sustainable and effective long-term conservation is anchored here in San Diego, fueling, informing, and guiding our efforts across eight conservation hubs around the globe.


In every hub, we protect and restore biodiversity—which includes animals and plants—by working with partners, using science-based strategies, and collaborating with local communities to safeguard nature.

Lion looks at the camera

Be an Ally for Wildlife

The natural balance of ecosystems has been disrupted, and our planet needs our help.

You can join us in taking actions that protect the health of people, wildlife, and the environment.


Torrey Pine Tree

The Torrey Pine: Saving a Botanical Icon

These critically endangered pines provide food and shelter for wildlife and stabilize the soil along San Diego’s coastal sandstone bluffs. But a warmer, drier climate caused by climate change weakens them, and makes conditions favorable for destructive bark beetles. With our partners, we are replanting and restoring this local icon.  

Reteti elephant sanctuary

Community Power

Climate change has intensified droughts on the African savanna, while habitat loss and human-wildlife conflict further threaten elephant survival. At Kenya’s Reteti Elephant Sanctuary, we support the community as they rescue elephants orphaned by these human-caused crises and reintroduce them to the ecosystem.

Burrowing owl standing


Threatened burrowing owls depend on California ground squirrels to excavate their homes—but squirrels are disappearing, and so are their burrows. We’re working with partners to restore these tiny owls back to the Southwest.

Pacific pocket mouse.

Powerful Tools

We’re collaborating to recover the endangered Pacific pocket mouse, found in just three places in coastal California. Scrubland habitats rely on these “gardeners” as they dig, burrow, and store seeds. With our partners, we’re increasing populations and reintroducing these little mice, restoring the species and scrublands.

Desert tortoise eating a flower

Oh, to be Understood

Strategic partnerships enable us to make a bigger impact than any of us could if working alone. For endangered desert tortoises, our alliances are increasing populations, offering safe areas for them to thrive, and securing their future. Learn how we “headstart” these endangered tortoises and reintroduce them, helping the entire Mojave Desert thrive.

Arial shot of San Diego landscape

Looking Inland

San Diego County’s rivers and streams are brimming with wildlife, but pollution, invasive species, and habitat fragmentation threaten their survival. This isn’t just a problem for wildlife; unhealthy wetlands pose risks for people, too. Learn how you can join us in protecting the habitats that we depend on.

For Kids

Pacific pocket mouse

Help for Pacific Pocket Mice

This tiny mouse has a big job: it scatters native plant seeds throughout the habitat, and digs burrows that bring water and nutrients to plants. Learn how we’re protecting these little mice and their homes.

California ground squirrel

Owls and Squirrels?

Wildlife, people, and ecosystems are all interconnected. Wildlife are connected to each other, too. Discover how burrowing owls depend on  California ground squirrels, and how we’re helping both species thrive.

Hawk flying

Backyard Scavenger Hunt

Take a look around—on a nature hike, a trip to the park, or even your own neighborhood. We share space with wildlife every day! How many of these San Diego natives can you spot?