Maggie Reinbold, M.S.

Director of Community Engagement


Maggie Reinbold serves San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance as Director of Community Engagement. In this role, Maggie oversees and supports the work of the in-house and community-based conservation teams as they design and implement programs that connect communities to conservation for the benefit of wildlife and habitats.

Maggie’s work focuses on strengthening our efforts to enlist local and global community members in the fight against extinction. She works to connect teachers and their students with the science of saving species via our Teacher Workshops in Conservation Science and through the programs of the Conservation Education Lab and Eddy Family Outdoor Learning Lab. She also oversees course design and instruction for our Advanced Inquiry Program and supports innovative projects that address the human dimensions of conservation at field sites around the world. Maggie’s work involves fostering key partnerships with foundations, government agencies, and non-profit organizations to build capacity for high-quality, accessible conservation science education.

Maggie earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Biology at San Diego State University, with a focus on the population genetics of desert aquatic insects across the Baja California Peninsula. Maggie has taught science in a number of formal and informal settings, including the San Diego Natural History Museum, Cardiff Elementary School, and San Diego State University. As an NSF science fellow, she co-taught hands-on science with classroom teachers across San Diego County and also spent several seasons in Arctic Alaska, bringing hands-on science education to unique and underserved communities. Maggie also serves as Commissioner for the San Diego County Fish & Wildlife Commission and is a part-time Faculty Instructor in the Department of Biology at Miami University. Since early childhood, Maggie has cherished her time spent in nature and looks forward to instilling that same love of wildlife and wild places in her two young daughters.

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