SAN DIEGO (May 11, 2023) – From Arabian oryx to Nubian ibex, to spotted turtles and Amur leopard cubs, the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park are brimming with babies! A spring baby boom provides guests to both the Zoo and Safari with the opportunity to see and learn about amazing wildlife including an okapi calf, a Matschie’s tree kangaroo and Przewalski’s horse at the Safari Park and Andean bear cubs, Lord Howe Island stick insects and Fijian iguanas at the Zoo.
SAN DIEGO (April 19, 2023) – From scientists working to protect polar bears in the high Arctic, sloths across Amazonia and Galápagos tortoises in the Pacific Islands, to cutting-edge reintroduction programs to save endangered rhinos on the savannas and burrowing owls in the Southwest, without you, there is no them. The world’s wildlife needs everyone’s help—and together with its partners in more than 200 global conservation initiatives across eight strategic Conservation Hubs worldwide, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance is on the front lines, answering the call. This Earth Day, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance wants to thank all of its conservation allies and supporters for their commitment to a world where all life thrives in their latest PSA campaign, “Thank You for Being A Friend,” created with its partners at David&Goliath (D&G)
Translocating 21 eastern black rhinoceroses in Kenya is no small feat, but it's a vital step on the road to recovery for this critically endangered species.
SAN DIEGO (Jan. 2, 2023) – Today, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance participated in the 134th Rose Parade presented by Honda, with a float celebrating the San Diego Zoo Safari Park’s 50th anniversary. The float’s theme, “Celebrating 50 Years of Conservation,” depicted rhinos, giraffes and the Safari Park’s iconic Wildlife Safari experience, bringing to life the Safari Park’s ability to connect guests with wildlife and provide life-changing moments.
The magic of the holiday season returns, with two events full of wild fun for the whole family: Jungle Bells Proudly Supported by California Coast Credit Union at the San Diego Zoo, and Wild Holidays at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Both events will treat guests to a winter wonderland of twinkling lights, live entertainment, festive music and culinary delights, along with awe-inspiring wildlife experiences
SAN DIEGO (Nov. 3, 2022) – On Jan. 2, 2023, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance—an international conservation organization with “two front doors”: the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park—will participate in the 134th Rose Parade presented by Honda, with a float celebrating the Safari Park’s 50th anniversary. The Safari Park opened in 1972 and since the beginning, saving species has been a key part of the Safari Park’s mission.
SAN DIEGO (Sept. 20, 2022) – A six-week-old male southern white rhino calf at the Nikita Kahn Rhino Rescue Center at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park has been given a name: Neville. The name was chosen by a generous supporter of San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, in honor of a South African doctor who made a positive impact on the donor’s life, and on many others. Neville, and all rhinos, will be the focus of attention on World Rhino Day, Sept. 22— a day to bring increased awareness of rhinos and the importance of conservation efforts to protect these iconic animals.
SAN DIEGO (Aug. 22, 2022) —The San Diego Zoo Safari Park has announced the birth of a male southern white rhino calf, born at the Nikita Kahn Rhino Rescue Center. The calf was conceived through natural breeding and was born on Aug. 6 to first-time mom Livia, and father J Gregory. Wildlife care specialists report the calf is healthy, confident and full of energy, and that Livia is an excellent mother, very attentive and protective 0f her offspring.
SAN DIEGO (June 9, 2022) – The largest study ever conducted on a free-ranging population of rhinoceroses reveals that about one in every seven rhinos in a key South African national park has been infected with Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis), the pathogen that causes bovine tuberculosis (bTB). The finding shines new light on the potential for diseases to disrupt global conservation efforts, and potentially increase risk to human health, if left unaddressed.