February 10, 2015

A Triplet’s Zoo Adventure

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Zoo InternQuest is a seven-week career exploration program for San Diego County high school juniors and seniors. Students have the unique opportunity to meet professionals working for the San Diego Zoo, Safari Park, and Institute for Conservation Research, learn about their jobs, and then blog about their experience online. Follow their adventures here! revisedHi! I’m Katie, a sixteen-year-old triplet and zoo lover who’s excited to be joining the upcoming group of interns this year!! My love for the San Diego Zoo, and animals in general, was instilled at a very young age. As babies my siblings and I were wheeled around the Zoo in our stroller for hours on end, and would gaze in awe at the animals filling the exhibits around us. Joining Zoo Corps two years ago has furthered my knowledge and love of the Zoo. Now a Zoo Corps lead, I have been able to spread the Zoo conservation message while learning even more about wildlife in a place I love. I have grown up knowing the Zoo as a second home, and have spent many a summer day peeking into exhibits and saying hi to my extended family. I even know a few animals specifically as individuals; it’s great to be able to say you can recognize a rhino! Besides being a Zoo Corps Lead and Zoo lover, I run cross-country and swim for Mt. Carmel High, am active in my church youth group, and sing in choir. I have two siblings, a lovable terrier mix and a great family, and am proud to say I am now an intern too! I hope to have a great time in this new life opportunity. Pop in and say hi in the comments whenever you’d like, and I hope you enjoy this journey of mine as well! Hope to see you at the Zoo in the future.

Katie InternQuest, Winter 2015

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