September 29, 2016

Adventure is Out There

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Zoo InternQuest is a seven-week career exploration program for San Diego County high school juniors and seniors. Students have the unique opportunity to meet professionals working for the San Diego Zoo, Safari Park, and Institute for Conservation Research, learn about their jobs, and then blog about their experience online. Follow their adventure here on the Zoo’s website! caseybeifussphotoHi! I’m Casey, and I grew up visiting the San Diego Zoo. I have always been fascinated by plants and animals, so Zoo InternQuest seems like it would be a perfect fit. I’ve always loved nature, especially botany. Succulents and herbs cover every bare surface of my bedroom. I love visiting the botanical gardens around San Diego; as well as hiking Torrey Pines, exploring Palm Canyon and Balboa Park or even just the local canyon behind my house. I’m also at the farmer’s market a lot, because I love the vibrant energy and buzz of the community. Exploring and adventuring in new places, especially within San Diego, is one of my favorite things to do! In this city, there always seems to be something new around every corner. I’ve wanted to pursue a career in biology or environmental science ever since I was younger. As a kid, I was constantly drawing and photographing plants and animals. Now as a junior in high school, I’m interested in studying art and design. Conservation and zoology are such an important aspect of my life, so I’m hoping the San Diego Zoo InternQuest will help me learn how art and design can be used to further my involvement in conservation. When I’m not finding new places to visit and explore, I’m doodling in my sketchbook, playing piano, taking photos, or playing soccer. I can’t wait for the opportunities that await me at the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park, and I hope you check back on my adventures soon! Casey Fall Session, 2016

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