October 5, 2017

Meet Nikky!- Let's Go Exploring

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Zoo InternQuest is a seven-week career exploration program for San Diego County high school juniors and seniors. Students have the unique opportunity to meet professionals working for the San Diego Zoo, Safari Park, and Institute for Conservation Research, learn about their jobs, and then blog about their experience online. Follow their adventures here on the Zoo’s website! Hello, welcome to my first blog! My name is Nikky and I am a senior trying to enjoy my last year of high school. With a challenging workload, I take advantage of any free time. My weekends usually involve eating out and shopping with my friends. I am always down to try new things, and the many amazing restaurants in San Diego allow me to treat myself differently each week. Food is my weakness and I would never say no to a seasonal Starbucks drink or a photogenic acai bowl. Another thing I love to splurge on is clothing. The mall is my happy place and I could spend all day in stores like Forever 21 and Urban Outfitters. Apart from shopping, I also find time for going to the movies and hanging out at the beach. Sadly, most of my days aren’t that relaxing, but I definitely enjoy those times when I can. While I try not to worry too much about the future, I am undoubtedly stressing about college and upcoming adulthood. As many know, adulthood comes the need for a job, but I am unsure of exactly what career path I should pursue. However, I have a pretty good idea of what direction I want to go in. When I was a mere little girl, I turned on the television one day and the Animal Planet channel was playing a rescue show. Naturally, I would have quickly changed the channel, but the adorable faces of the puppies on the screen mesmerized me. That moment opened my eyes to the unfortunate fact that there are animals in need of our help. Ever since then, I’ve wanted to dedicate my life to doing something that benefits animals. In 2012, I rescued a 2-year-old dog from the streets of Mexico. Nursing her back to health was such a rewarding experience and she is now the love of my life. My family named her Maui because we are obsessed with Hawaii and she is a proud member of the family. Now, I am very excited to have the opportunity of Zoo InternQuest to learn about many different ways I can help animals like Maui. I hope you all enjoy reading about my journey these next seven weeks! Nikky Fall 2017 Intern

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