February 11, 2020

Meet the Interns!

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Zoo InternQuest is a seven-week career exploration program for San Diego County high school juniors and seniors. Students have the unique opportunity to meet professionals working for the San Diego Zoo, Safari Park, and Institute for Conservation Research, to learn about their jobs, and then blog about their experience online. Follow their adventures here on the Zoo’s website!

The 2020 Zoo InternQuest interns meeting Lead Educator Lizzy Lopez and Xena the sloth, on their first day of the Winter session. Stay tuned for their future blogs as they meet more San Diego Zoo Global professionals.

Hello, my name is Dayli and I am a junior in high school. In my free time I enjoy hiking, playing tennis, and hanging out with my friends and family. My entire life I have grown up with animals, such as dogs, fish, cats, and turtles. As a young girl with such a variety of pets, I grew a fascination for the biology and anatomy of zoo animals. I was curious to understand how animals of different species behaved. Therefore, I applied to this program because it will allow me to further my knowledge on how animals behave, their genetics, and how to properly apply animal care methodologies. Currently, I am very interested in pursuing a career in environmental sciences, so I am extremely excited to learn about plant life as well. As a high school student, I have had access to biology classes which have created a base for my knowledge in terms of understanding ecosystems and human anatomy, however, I am very excited and truly grateful to be learning from true experts. 

My name is Mollie, and I’m in the 11th grade. I enjoy cooking, volunteering, photography, running cross country, Girl Scouts, and spending time outside with my friends and family. I applied to Zoo InternQuest because of my growing interest in the environment and wildlife conservation. I ultimately want to gain exposure to possible career options and how I can make an impact in the conservation of nature. I have figured out that I want to go into a field with environmental and wildlife conservation as a focus, and lately I’ve been finding the idea of becoming a wildlife veterinarian very appealing. I’m excited about all of the opportunities I will have to meet zoo professionals and learn about their day to day lives. I'm definitely looking forward to the possibility of getting to do anything hands-on, and overall, just to spend time at the Zoo. I’m really passionate about animal rights, putting an end to poaching, and rescue/rehabilitate/release programs for wildlife affected by human activity. For my 16th birthday, I raised $1,000 for the International Anti-Poaching Foundation, and for my 17th birthday I raised $3,500 for the International Animal Rescue. My hope is to one day work with these nonprofits, or other organizations with similar goals, like the San Diego Zoo and San Diego Zoo Safari Park, and actively participate in saving animals’ lives.

Hi, I’m Marcus, a high school senior whose hobbies include drawing, reading, and attempting musical instruments (banjo, ukulele, guitar, violin). I am a part of the color guard team at my school and am also president and founder of WSU, Wildlife Supporters United, a zoology club. I’ve always had an interest in animals since I was a child and want to become a zoologist in the future. My favorite animal species group is cephalopods, specifically the octopus. I hope this internship exposes me to many potential career paths and experts in my future field of study.

Well hello there! My name is Jaedyn, and I am currently a senior in high school. Growing up, I’ve always been surrounded by a plethora of animals like turtles, horses, birds, chickens, and many more. You can always find me wrapped up in the lives of my own dog and cat, as they keep me entertained with their wild bursts of energy and excitement for adventure. I’ve always felt the need to be around animals, whether they be big or small. Luckily, I’ve been a member of the San Diego Zoo since I was a toddler, so I was able to visit the animals often. For that reason, I am ecstatic to now be able to learn about all the different animals and career paths at the Zoo in greater depth through InternQuest. Overall I’m just fascinated with nature and the creatures within it and can’t wait to learn how I can help protect these animals in need. I hope you all join me on this journey “into the unknown” as Elsa would say.

My name is Michelle, I am currently a junior in high school. I applied for the Zoo InternQuest program for the same reasons as many others: a love for animals and animal welfare. I remember from a young age making presentations about farm factory abuse in front of my school because I wanted to spread awareness about a long brushed over issue. I spent my free time researching different types of animal abuse, and even writing the phrase “I love animals” over everything I owned. This love for animals has never faded and I have since been looking for opportunities to strengthen my knowledge of animals ever since. I am currently interning at a veterinary clinic and am excited to learn more about the anatomy and behavior of wild animals. I am especially interested in the medical aspect of animal care and hope to dedicate my life to the veterinary field. Through this program, I am excited to gain more insight into the veterinary field’s professionals, as well as take advantage of the opportunity to interact with San Diego Zoo’s coolest animal species. Additionally, I am an avid supporter of the climate change movement, and I consistently try to be conscious of my ecological footprint. As someone who is interested in conservation, I love participating in beach clean-ups and climate summits. When I am not surrounding myself with animals, research, or the environment, one can find me with my friends, practicing clarinet, or singing a song way out of my vocal range.

My name is Logan and I am a 17-year-old senior who intends on pursuing a college degree in zoology and to work in a zoo setting. Since kindergarten, I have had the dream of being a zoologist, and have never wished to be anything else. I have always had a love for animals and wanted to learn more about them. My academic history is very science-focused. I went to a STEM-focused middle school and continued that focus for two of my high school years as well. During my sophomore year, I switched to a public school that provided classes that would serve helpful and useful for my future. I have taken numerous life sciences and animal-centered courses, from basic biology to zoology, and even veterinary science. Nothing ceases to amaze me when talking about animals. With my education, I wish to assist in the conservation efforts of many animals, wherever I can be useful. If I was forced to choose just one animal to help, I would have to choose the rhino. I want to help with the revival of the northern white rhino population and hopefully see them flourishing, so that my kids or even their kids can share my passionate love for this animal.

Week One
Winter Session 2020

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