April 8, 2020

See You Later Alligator!

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Zoo InternQuest is a seven-week career exploration program for San Diego County high school juniors and seniors. Students have the unique opportunity to meet professionals working for the San Diego Zoo, Safari Park, and Institute for Conservation Research, to learn about their jobs, and then blog about their experience online. Follow their adventures here on the Zoo’s website!

In response to the ever-changing COVID-19 situation, San Diego Zoo Global has implemented a temporary closure of the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park to the public. Both parks will reopen when the situation has improved and it is deemed safe to do so. “The San Diego Zoo and San Diego Safari Park are iconic destinations, and we are proud to play an important role in inspiring guests about the natural world, while also being a respite and escape for our audiences,” said Paul A. Baribault, president/CEO of San Diego Zoo Global. “However, at this time, it is vital for San Diego Zoo Global to be a leader for the community and for our employees, and ensure we are putting the health and well-being of our greater community first.” For more information:

While the Zoo is currently closed, you can still stay connected to wildlife—and have fun! Join in on a Virtual Mission: Spring Break April 3–19 through these activities or check out the Zoo's website for animal cams, curriculum and more!

San Diego Zoo Education staff and the InternQuest interns during our Zoom chat!

So what does this mean for Zoo InternQuest? Unfortunately our last week of the session was postponed until further notice, but we still wanted to keep in touch and got together for a Zoom chat. This session with the interns has been educational, inspirational, and fun! We asked the interns what this program meant to them, how it may have impacted them, and if they would recommend it to others. Here's what they had to say...

Dayli - My experience with Zoo InternQuest has opened my eyes to the world of conservation and to new opportunities for my future. I have enjoyed every second of my time being with such amazing people and experiencing such unique opportunities that I will never forget. My most memorable experience was being able to meet with Kelly Elkins, Lead Animal Trainer at the Zoo. While meeting with her I got to learn about and see amazing animals that I had no idea even existed. She inspired me because every day she uses her job as an opportunity to inform Zoo guests about threats many animals face. She empowers guests letting them know they can make a difference by making responsible choices to help the environment and wildlife. She also motivated me to pursue a career not for the money but for something I am truly passionate about and find rewarding. Throughout this program, I retained a lot of information regarding what I can do to reduce my carbon footprint and how I can be a better advocate for animal conservation. So after this program, I will share my knowledge with as many people as I can and I will be trying my best to use products that are as eco-friendly as possible. I will continue to gain as much knowledge as possible regarding how I can help, whether it be through watching documentaries or reading articles on the Zoo website. I would one hundred percent recommend this program to a friend but only if they are passionate about animals and wildlife conservation. I would make sure they know that this is an internship that is extremely fun, but that it takes a lot of dedication and hard work. This internship flew by so fast and it was one of the most rewarding and amazing experiences I have ever had and I am truly grateful!

Jaedyn - The Zoo InternQuest program has been nothing but a positive experience for me. I have gained an extreme amount of knowledge and got a feel for the different career paths that the Zoo has to offer. Personally, the most impactful ZIQ experience was meeting Ms. Elkins and learning about her job as a Lead Animal Trainer. This is a career that intrigued me, and is something I could see myself pursuing. As we participated in the run through of the Animals in Action program at the Zoo, I got the rare opportunity to touch a zebra! This was my most memorable moment because feeling the difference in the zebras stripes really put into perspective how unique each animal is. It gave me a sense of realization as to why it’s so important to help them. My first goal is to participate in certain practices such as significantly cutting down on the amount of plastic I use. My second goal is to simply spread what I have learned throughout this program. As an individual I can make a difference by making changes in my own life, but I can make a greater impact by informing others who are unaware of these dangers. This internship has given me so much insight and I wish everyone could experience what I have experienced in the last seven weeks. I would absolutely recommend ZIQ to a friend for a couple reasons. One, I learned a lot of facts that not many people know and as I said before, the more people that are informed, the better chance these animal populations have of stabilizing. Second, I know a few people who are interested in an animal related career, but are unsure of what specific field they want to go into. This program is a fantastic way to figure out which route one would want to go. Overall, I have nothing but great things to say about ZIQ, and it’s sad to say this part of my journey has come to an end. Now it’s time for me to take what I learned and put it to good use.

Logan - Zoo InternQuest was an amazing experience, opening my view to the numerous departments present in a zoo setting. The most impacting moment for me personally, was when we got to meet Weston Popichak. He provided me with a lot of information about what I need to do in order to work in his field. I wish to work with rhinos and help conserve them, and Mr. Popichak was a great resource for me. He taught me more about Moorpark College, and what I need to do outside of my knowledge in order to succeed. My most memorable moment would have to be meeting Future and the other rhinos at the Rhino Rescue Center. It was just awesome meeting the rhinos and getting to learn more about what I need to do in the future. Thanks to the program, I learned a lot of unique and special ways to assist with conservation. Not everything is about recycling. It is important, but you can help out on websites by looking through trail cams or even spreading the news about conservation issues. I would only recommend the program to a friend if I know they are hard workers, and willing to take the time and devote themselves to the program. Since I live far from the Zoo, driving for me is very time consuming. So if you are not willing to give up about three to four hours of your day to driving, then you should not do the program. However, if you are willing and have a passion for animals, I would heavily recommend this program. This program allowed me to learn more and enjoy my days, I also met some very great people, with similar passions as me.

Marcus - Zoo InternQuest was an extremely important experience and helped me learn about so many different careers in a field I love. When I first started I knew I wanted to do something with zoology but didn't know just how many options were available for jobs in that field. My favorite professionals to meet were probably the researchers since that is what job interests me most, but also the zookeepers which I have a new interest in. So many of the experiences were so amazing it's very hard to choose a favorite. One that I found most memorable was meeting with Debbie Denton, an Avian Wildlife Care Specialist. Watching her interact with the penguins with such familiarity and her passion made it a memorable day and penguins are also just very fun to watch! One common thing everyone said throughout the weeks was the absolute joy they had in their job even with the hardships that they don't regret the choice they made. This has strengthened my conviction that I want zoology to be my future career path. Not only did the program teach me about careers, but I learned about different animals and methods of conservation. The question on how to help with conservation came up every week and there are so many little things that contribute to the problem that I never knew about. There are also ways to help that I hadn't realized were an option. One obvious option is by purchasing ethical products, but it can be hard to know what that is. I learned about the Sustainable Palm Oil Shopping app that tells you what products contain sustainable palm oil. I have also learned about different organizations that are working towards conservation and possible volunteer opportunities. There are ways that you can help simply by going to a website and looking through photos from trail cams. After this program I am now more aware of what people can do to help and am also able to tell others so it becomes more widespread. I would absolutely recommend this program to a friend. It may cause one's schedule to be slightly hectic but it is so worth it. I would recommend it to my friends who are interested in animals or a career in that field. The writing portion is important but will not cause someone too much trouble as long as they set aside a small amount of time and I think most people would be able to manage even with a busy schedule. You not only get educational experience, but you also get to meet people who are interested in animals. Another one of my favorite memories was carpooling to the Safari Park and joking around with my fellow interns. This internship not only taught me more about the field I'm passionate about, but led me to new friendships and many experiences I could only dream of happening - rhinos are very fun to pet! I am so glad I applied for this program and will use the information I learned moving forward in many different aspects of my life.

Michelle - Zoo InternQuest offered me experiences beyond what I thought was possible for a high-schooler. Before this opportunity, I struggled with finding animal-related experience because I was constantly told that I couldn’t intern or volunteer because of my age. This program felt like it was designed for me. Throughout the program, I was able to solidify my career aspirations while honing my people skills and writing skills. I knew I wanted to be a veterinarian before but I lacked the motivation and confidence to think I could make it through such a competitive field, but being in this type of supportive environment and hearing from professionals in these fields motivates me to go after my passion. It also made me curious about studying different types of wild animals instead of just focusing on cats and dogs. I also made life-long friends throughout this journey. I remember our first car ride to the Safari Park. All of us laughed in the car about stupid things, it surprised me that I was able to feel so closely knit with a group that I had just met. This was an unforgettable experience filled with laughter and learning. In every presentation we took home massive amounts of information, it’s hard to focus on just one aspect of conservation. Many of the wildlife experts mentioned organizations that support conservation like the AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums), so I think contributing to bigger conservation organizations by volunteering time and educating peers will make an impact. I wish I could come back and relive the experience every year, and I definitely recommend it to any other high-schooler interested in anything remotely related to animals.

Mollie - Zoo InternQuest has been such a memorable, informative, and impactful experience. I’m so grateful for my time in this program, and I would (and do) recommend it to my peers, neighbors, and even complete strangers. Because of Zoo InternQuest, my passion for conservation has only grown and I have developed a deeper appreciation for conservationists and everyone at San Diego Zoo Global (SDZG). My writing and note-taking skills have improved as well. I loved learning about some of the many conservation projects that SDZG is involved in, but I’ve also loved learning about what more I can do to help benefit wildlife conservation. I was directed to websites where I could help analyze trail camera footage, and was reminded of recycling rules and how the products I buy can affect the animals I love. Spending two hours with a vet at the San Diego Zoo - Dr. Rob Browning - has only helped me confirm that I would like to be a vet myself. It was also my most memorable moment from the time spent in Zoo InternQuest. The immediate rush of adrenaline and fascination, and sense of belonging when entering the Zoo veterinary hospital was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I only wish that Zoo InternQuest went on for a longer period of time. I truly value the knowledge and friendships that Zoo InternQuest has given me.

Week Seven
Winter Session 2020

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