Photo Credit | Ian Brown–Science for Wildlife
When devastating mega-wildfires barreled through Australia in 2019 and 2020, countless animals and areas of native habitat were left struggling to survive. Resources were obliterated. Vegetation was scorched. Wildlife were injured and displaced.
But even amid this destruction, sprouts of hope were everywhere. Thousands of miles away, allies like you rose to the occasion, raising over $1 million to help. We immediately got to work with global partners to save wildlife, like koalas, that were affected by the blazes.
Now, five years later, we’re seeing the fruits of these labors, even as we continue working to help Australia heal. Discover more about the unique ways we’re caring for koalas in their native habitats.
Sniffing dogs helped locate stranded animals, including koalas, to rescue them from approaching fires. Photo Credit | Victoria Inmann
On the Ground . . .
In the aftermath of the fires, partner teams monitored wildlife in affected areas with some unusual friends. Conservation scientists turned to specially trained dogs to locate koalas in eucalyptus forests.
These dogs used their super senses to locate stranded animals and rescue them from approaching fires. Once found, the koalas were brought to partner facilities, including Taronga Conservation Society Australia, to receive care, while the dogs returned to service.
Thermal imaging drones enable scientists to monitor koalas from above.
. . . and in the Trees
Conservation isn’t always in the line of sight. In addition to gathering information from below, scientists are monitoring koalas from up above, too.
Koalas spend most of their time high in the trees, where they blend in with their surroundings. We’ve partnered with teams to send drones over the forest canopy at night to more easily spot koalas through thermal imaging. Using this technology, scientists can map koala locations and track them across landscapes. Doing so helps increase understanding of population health and how they use the forests, while making it easier to locate them during crisis.
In-the-field studies help us better understand how we can protect koalas against the dangers they face. Photo Credit | Science for Wildlife
A Landmark Designation
In-the-field studies have provided crucial information about the dangers koalas face, especially after the fires. But conservation comes in many forms, and leaders were recently able to find a new way to protect them.
Our teams eagerly supported the Australian government’s designation of the koala as an endangered species. Crucial studies of koala ecology, habitat needs, and declining population status conducted by our Australian partners contributed to this change, which will help further protect koalas and their habitats.
We’re helping to ensure koalas’ long-term survival by creating the largest genomic database for this species in the world.
Where It’s Going
Through the use of samples stored in our Wildlife Biodiversity Bank, we’re sequencing whole genomes (an individual’s complete set of DNA) of nearly 100 koalas, creating the largest genomic database for this species in the world. We share this genomic information with global partners to guide koala conservation efforts, aid in disease prevention, and help ensure the species’ long-term survival.
Collaborative conservation efforts like these are possible thanks to allies like you. Together, we're saving, protecting, and caring for iconic wildlife and ecosystems through our Australian Forest Conservation Hub.