Our planet is a kaleidoscope of color. Today, we’re taking a moment to admire wildlife in all shades of pink and red. Mammals, birds, reptiles, and countless other animals sport unique coloring caused by intriguing adaptations, specialized diets, and other factors. Even plants get in on these striking hues! From ruby red to pastel pink, there’s more than meets the eye. These species will make you melt when you learn how crucial they are to their ecosystems.
We’re speaking from the about conservation. Because of allies like you, we’re safeguarding the future for wildlife—in all colors of the rainbow—across the globe. Whether it’s with your partner, friends, or loved ones, spend a special day at the San Diego Zoo and San Diego Zoo Safari Park and discover how you’re helping create a vibrant world where all life thrives.
When flamingos shed feathers, those feathers quickly lose their pigment.
Bright Birds
It’s hard to mistake flamingos for any other bird given their iconic long legs and brilliant feathers. But where do they get those gorgeous colors? Their plumage’s spectrum of pinks, reds, and even oranges come from the foods they eat, including algae and small crustaceans. Depending on their diet, different species of flamingos boast different shades. On your next visit to the Zoo, greet the flamboyantly feathered flamingo flock!
While you might think pink feathers would stand out in a green forest, pink pigeons' coloring actually helps them seamlessly blend in. Photo Credit | Andy Thomson/iStock/Getty Images Plus
They may be less well known than flamingos, but pink pigeons aren’t any less fabulous. Nestled in the canopy layers of the Safari Park’s Hidden Jungle aviary, their multicolored body and soft, rose-colored head camouflage them in the lush surroundings, while their long, pink beak helps them feast on flowers, fruits, and seeds.
Inner and Outer Beauty
Naked mole rats aren't moles or rats—and they aren’t even “naked”! Surprisingly, naked mole rats are more closely related to porcupines, chinchillas, and guinea pigs. While their cousins in the animal kingdom are known for their unique quills and soft fur, naked mole rats are almost hairless and ballet slipper pink. Their wrinkly skin has fine whiskers that act as feelers so they can navigate their burrows with ease.
See these intriguing mammals in action at the Zoo's Wildlife Explorers Basecamp.
Underneath the warm African savanna, naked mole rats don’t require a lot of insulation. If they do get cold at night, these little mammals huddle together in a cluster that almost looks like a charming bouquet. Explore how we’re protecting this unusual subterranean animal’s ecosystem though our Savanna Conservation Hub. And for a romantic date or platonic outing, come see them for yourself at the Zoo’s Wildlife Explorers Basecamp. While you’re there, journey on over to the lower level of Cool Critters to encounter an iconic, and sometimes blushing, salamander—the axolotl.
Giant panda cubs become more mobile and interactive with their moms around 3–5 months old.
Don’t be mistaken, the picture above isn’t another naked mole rat. Giant pandas aren’t always black and white—they’re born bright pink and with no fur. Relative to the size of a fully grown adult, panda cubs are one of the smallest newborn mammals. At birth, cubs are around 1/900th the size of their moms and weigh just 3–5 ounces. That’s about the size of a stick of butter! Within weeks, pandas begin developing their iconic black and white markings.
A red panda's fluffy, ringed tail is almost the same length as their body.
Of course, we can’t forget about red pandas. Sometimes called “the original panda,” red pandas are known for their fluffy, cinnamon-colored fur. Their scientific name, Ailurus fulgens, is even derived from their look, as fulgens means “fire-colored” or “shining.” Giant and red pandas share the same bamboo forest habitats and we’re securing their black, white, and red future through our Asia Conservation Hub. To witness these fascinating, agile species navigating their dynamic worlds, climb into Denny Sanford Panda Ridge on your next visit to the Zoo.
Red river hogs can hold their breath underwater for up to 15 seconds.
Speaking of forest homes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder with these pigs—and we think they’re adorable. Named for their distinctive coat, red river hogs are proficient swimmers and use their tough snouts to dig up grub on the dense forest floor. As threats to their survival increase, we’re saving, caring for, and protecting them through our African Forest Conservation Hub. Connect with them for yourself at the Zoo and Safari Park.
Every rose has its thorn! Be careful admiring the exquisite blossoms of the floss silk tree—sharp, stout thorns stud its trunk.
Our Big Rainbow World
Some of these larger animals may be familiar to you, but the true stars of the kaleidoscopic show are plants and insects. In spring, breathtaking flora transform into radiant displays of pinks and reds. The cock’s comb coral tree, purple-leaf plum tree, floss silk tree, cherry blossom tree, and a variety of orchids are only a few of the countless species that erupt with scarlet, vermillion, cerise, coral, and magenta. While these aren’t flowers you’re likely to find in a bouquet, underneath these towering and striking blooms might be the perfect spot to embrace your sweetheart.
It's not a hoodwink, 1 in 500 katydids really are pink.
One insect takes the box of chocolates for their eye-catching pigmentation. The pink katydid is just that—an intense shade of fuchsia. Most katydids are green, yellow, or brown and blend in with the foliage surrounding them, but about 1 in 500 have this stunning genetic mutation. Spring in and check it out for yourself at the Zoo’s Wildlife Explorers Basecamp.
Red and pink wildlife may have gotten this spotlight, but every day we celebrate wildlife of all colors, shapes, and sizes. Turning the classic saying on its head, we’re hopefully devoted to saving wildlife worldwide, and it’s all made possible with your support. Connecting with incredible wildlife gives us the warm and fuzzies while igniting hope for their future. Together we can make a difference for wildlife—and that makes every day even sweeter.
River hogs are red, flamingos are pink
We love all wildlife and that’s sweet, don’t you think?
We’re saving species worldwide, but it won’t happen in a blink.
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Discover more about how we’re saving, protecting, and caring for colorful wildlife worldwide through our eight Conservation Hubs.