February 10, 2015

The Adventure Begins!

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Zoo InternQuest is a seven-week career exploration program for San Diego County high school juniors and seniors. Students have the unique opportunity to meet professionals working for the San Diego Zoo, Safari Park, and Institute for Conservation Research, learn about their jobs, and then blog about their experience online. Follow their adventures here! CelineHello there, my name is Celine, and I’m looking forward to great adventures as an intern at San Diego Zoo Global. Ever since I can remember, I’ve been fascinated with nature and the animals that inhabit this amazing world. My experience with animals developed when I was seven years old and began taking horseback riding lessons at my local stables. Whenever I’m riding a horse, I feel calm, collected and free. My dream is to own my own horse someday.   Along with riding horses, some of my other hobbies include sketching my favorite animals and characters from Doctor Who, creating tiny origami creatures, reading books and acting in musicals. I also enjoy competing with my FIRST robotics team Robokong 2493. Although, why keep it only on land when you can reach for the stars? Recently I’ve been working with a team of high school girls from throughout San Diego County to send an experiment up to the International Space Station. I’ve been able to have this exciting opportunity through the San Diego Science Alliance – Youth Space Institute. I heard about the chance to participate from my involvement with another SDSA program, BEWISE (Better Education for Women in Science and Engineering). One experience that has helped me cultivate a love for animals and conserving the world around us is participating in Zoo Corps; a teen volunteer program at the San Diego Zoo. While in the zoo, Zoo Corps students present different biofacts to guests, and educate them about what the Zoo does to help animals in the wild. I am on my sixth session of Zoo Corps now, and have enjoyed developing my skills as a lead. When I found out about Zoo InternQuest, I said to myself that’s the program for me! I’m super excited to learn about the different career opportunities at the zoo. I’m interested to find out how only a couple people prepare the diets of the animals at the zoo, and what it’s like to be a trainer at the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park. In addition, I want to learn more about what San Diego Zoo Global does in regards to conservation. Personally, I have always valued conservation because even doing little things like recycling soda cans or old cell phones really can make a difference. I’m looking forward to giving my readers an inside scoop about awesome things behind the scenes at San Diego Zoo Global. Hope you enjoy the journey! Celine InternQuest, Winter 2015

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