March 13, 2016

Genetic Rescue at Work

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Zoo InternQuest is a seven-week career exploration program for San Diego Count high school juniors and seniors. Students have the unique opportunity to meet professionals working for the San Diego Zoo, Safari Park, and Institute for Conservation Research learns about their jobs, and then blog about their experience online. Follow their adventures here on the Zoo’s website! gillian_W5_picThis week, interns had the joy of meeting with three scientists working in the Genetics Division of the Institute for Conservation Research to discuss the lab based-components of the San Diego Zoo’s animal care and conservation efforts. We wasted no time getting straight to business in the laboratory. There we met with Tram Nguyen, Research Assistant, and Dr. Marisa Korady, Senior Research Associate, to learn about the processes in which samples are analyzed and stored for future uses. First, Ms. Nguyen introduced us to the world of molecular genetics, or the science of the structure and function of genes at the molecular level. We got the privilege to tour the state of the art equipment that the Institute uses to analyze DNA and learn about just how all of it is utilized by the professionals. With top of the line staff and machinery, we can obtain DNA from a wide variety of sources, such as tissue fur, feathers, blood, waste, and even egg shells. After the DNA has been extracted, scientists can use an advanced process known as a polymerase chain reaction, PCR, to target the specific region of the DNA in question and duplicate the region over and over again. From here, scientists can run the gel electrophoresis tests, construct karyotypes, or even put the samples through a genetic analyzer program to identify specific base sequences and alleles. With this information, the lab is able to identify crucial breeding factors like sex, paternity, and chromosomal mutations or deletions, as well as construct a genome sequence of a species. After we were done exploring the molecular components of the field, Dr. Korady led us to another lab to discuss her work in cytogenetics, or the genetics of the entire cell. A majority of the Institute’s research in this particular field has to do with figuring out the optimal way to grow cells independent of a host animal and store these cell lines in the Frozen Zoo so that they can later be thawed and returned back to life. While the molecular geneticist’s work can make use of just about any biological source, the processes involved in cytogenetics are very meticulous and work best with fibroblast cells extracted from tissue samples. From there, the cells are placed in an antibiotic-rich media and stored in a temperature controlled environment to grow. Different species require different growing medias and temperatures to survive and regenerate, so a lot of this process comes down to trial and error to see just what will work. Furthermore, once the original sample has divided into an ample amount of hopefully healthy cells, the results are divided among vials and placed in a cooling chamber to slowly drop down in temperature to a chilly -80◦ F before being transferred to liquid nitrogen tanks. It is through this delicate process that we have been able to expand our one of a kind Frozen Zoo with a collection of over 10,000 samples of almost 1,000 different species. So we have the advanced knowledge and technology to process and interpret these samples, but what is the Institute doing with all of this information in regards to conservation? Well, that’s just what we sat down to discuss with Dr. Oliver Ryder, the Director of the Genetics Division. As discussed previously, the labs at the Institute are able to look at DNA from just about any organism and organize the results into something called a genome sequence. This valuable method of organizing genetic information holds practically endless amounts of information about each species, therefore playing one of the biggest roles in the division’s efforts to save endangered species. With a complete genome sequence, we can recognize genetic diversity and divergence, obtain demographic information, look at population structure, migration and dispersal patterns, identify blocks of homozygous genes in a population, and so much more. One of the Institute’s earliest projects involving genome mapping was the revival of the California condor. With only 27 birds remaining in 1987, and a lethal autosomal recessive disease called chondrodystrophy plaguing the population, it was clear that random breeding was just not going to cut it. In order to make sure our breeding program produced genetically diverse offspring and lowered the frequency of chondrodystrophy, the scientists at the Institute got down to work and mapped the genome sequences of all the remaining birds. With this information, we were able to pair up genetically viable birds for our breeding program and raise numbers to over 400 individuals today. The California condor was one of the first species to use genetic management recommendations on a complete genome of the founders, but since then this advanced technology has been utilized in Species Survival Plans of a myriad of critically endangered species, such as the black footed ferret and northern white rhino. The damage that humans have done to so many species is by no means reversible. However, armed with this advanced understanding of genetics, we may hopefully save some of the victims from extinction. As Dr. Ryder put it, “Science, after all, is a human phenomenon, and we save what we love… These are amazing animals. I don’t want to see them disappear.” Gillian, Conservation Team Week Five, Winter Session 2016

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