October 19, 2016

Meet Sara!

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Zoo InternQuest is a seven-week career exploration program for San Diego County high school juniors and seniors. Students have the unique opportunity to meet professionals working for the San Diego Zoo, Safari Park, and Institute for Conservation Research, learn about their jobs, and then blog about their experience online. Follow their adventure here on the Zoo’s website! sara-2015Hello, my name is Sara, and I have been interested in animals my whole life. One of my favorite t memories involves my great pyrenees. Sadie was huge compared to most other dogs and we fondly referred to her as “our little polar bear”. She was very independent, but always protected her pack. Our two black labs, Jazzy and Dakota, were her pack on this day at the beach. After watching Sadie dig in the sand, I decided to take Dakota for a walk down the beach. He and I were having a great time when a German Shepard came up and started to growl at us. Sadie bounded up the sand and circled the German Shepard. With teeth bared, she made the dog back off. Despite her independence and extreme stubbornness, she always knew when to step in and protect her pack. As I got older, I became more interested in biology and learning how systems worked in the body and in the animal kingdom. The more I learn, the more it becomes clear that my future lies in the field of science, specifically Veterinary Science.In high school, I have had many different experiences in various science classes. Whether it be dissections or collecting specimens for specific classes, my favorite has always been zoology. In fact, my experience from this class led to me dig deeper into the workings of biological systems, which helped to better understand my other science courses. Through these courses, I have learned that everything is connected. Aside from being busy with school, I play water polo. I spend hours on a pool deck with my teammates and love every minute of it. I also volunteer for Hand Up, which is an organization that works to raise food and money for military families who need assistance in San Diego. As a Junior in high school, I am excited for this internship opportunity. I am excited to learn more about the medical and social issues surrounding different exotic animals. Additionally, I feel so fortunate to learn from some of the best in the business. My dream job is to work at the San Diego Zoo as a veterinarian.   I am excited for this new adventure and can’t wait to share what I learn! Sara Fall Session, 2016

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