January 26, 2017

Meet Sarah!

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Zoo InternQuest is a seven-week career exploration program for San Diego County high school juniors and seniors. Students have the unique opportunity to meet professionals working for the San Diego Zoo, Safari Park, and Institute for Conservation Research, learn about their jobs, and then blog about their experience online. Follow their adventures here on the Zoo’s website! FullSizeRenderHi there! My name is Sarah, and I am currently a junior at Westview High school. As a high school student, I’ve eagerly taken classes such as ‘Zoology’ and ‘Marine Science’. For as long as I can remember, I’ve felt connected to wildlife. As a child, I would ride horses and regularly beg my mom to take me to the pet store or to our local zoo. My love for animals has no doubt framed who I am today. In the future, I hope to become a marine mammal trainer. As a Zoo intern, I hope to expand my understanding and awareness of the world around me as well as gain valuable experience in the zoological field so that I can one day achieve my dream job of working with animals. I currently volunteer at a horse rescue center where I am able to help give abused and/or abandoned horses the love and care they need. I have also volunteered at numerous local animal shelters. When I am not around animals, I enjoy watching TV, shopping, swimming, and spending time with my family. I have three pets; my dog ‘Oreo’, my bearded dragon ‘Toothless’, as well as multiple freshwater fish. If my parents allowed me, I would start my own zoo at my house! I would definitely describe myself as an adventurous and carefree sort of gal— although, there are certainly days where I would rather just stay bundled up at home watching Netflix. I love spending quality time with my family and traveling with them to new places around the world. Tropical settings are my favorite destinations to explore, especially since snorkeling is a big hobby of mine. I am super excited about embarking on this new and inspiring adventure! I am really looking forward to learning about conservation and research in the zoological field. Please follow along on my blog so that I can share my zoo experiences and newfound knowledge with you! Sarah Winter Session, 2017

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