February 6, 2018

Meet Meghan!

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Hello! My name is Meghan, and I am in my third year of high school. Ever since I was young, I remember being mesmerized by all sorts of nature documentaries. I was awestruck by the wildlife, and I would always have a new favorite animal by the end of the film. My interest for animals turned into an endless desire to become a wildlife veterinarian. When I got older, my love for nature took another form. I was first introduced to the idea of veganism by watching Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret. As much as I wanted to help the environment, the food on my plate proved the opposite. With this newfound information, I immediately gave up the In-N-Out burgers and Costco hotdogs for foods that matched my morals. Eating a plant-based diet has cultivated my growing passion for agriculture. By learning where my food comes from, I realized that sustainable agriculture is the key to a better future. Following this passion gives me an opportunity to help the world and all of its inhabitants. In my free time, I enjoy photographing friends and the beautiful beaches and greenery here in San Diego. I am currently working on a hydroponic watering system for a school project, which is the perfect fuel for my passion for agriculture. I love discovering music artists and making my own playlists― not to mention, I am in the process of learning the art of guitar playing. My favorite subjects in school, so far, are AP Biology and AP Psychology. I am beyond excited for everything I will learn from behind the scenes of the Zoo! This program will help me discover a career that integrates my many interests and passions. I look forward to sharing my journey! Meghan Winter Session, 2018

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