February 7, 2018

Meet Amber!

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I am Amber, an enthusiastic and curious self-described nature lover. Ever since I was little, I had a deep love for animals, plants, and the environment. I remember preferring nature encyclopedias over fiction books, and whenever it was time to play at recess, I would always play a game that I used to call, “Animals,” with my friends. My favorite movies and tv shows consisted of nature documentaries and nearly any show starring animals. Back then, the ultimate culmination of this love for nature was begging my parents to let me get a pet anything, and I guess, I must have worn them down because eventually I got a pet guinea pig named Anastasia. Flash forward to today and my house is full with guinea pigs, rabbits, and even rats now and then. A lot of things have changed since when I was little. For one, I watch a lot less, “Bindi (Irwin) The Jungle Girl,” and I have an inexplicable love for, “Moana.” I’ve also become an avid gamer and volleyball player, and am even an active member of my school’s drama club. I’ve come to love a lot more than just nature, but that is not to say I love it any less. I still reply with a confident, “All of them,” when asked what my favorite animal is, and am still designated “creepy crawly” handler. However, probably the biggest change from then and now is that I’ve gone from just wanting to work with nature, to wanting to work to save nature. I want to make a difference in the world around me and working to save the thing I love just seems like the obvious course of action. So when I got the chance to apply to an internship where I get to work with animals in the lens of conservation, I leapt for it, and luckily for me, I got accepted. Now, I get to be apart of this adventure, and with that I hope to make the most of it while still having fun along the way. No matter what happens, I know I’ll always remember the memories I’m going to make here. If you want to join along in all the fun, I am going to be posting pictures and updates on this blog about what I am learning along the way. Amber Winter Session, 2018

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