October 3, 2018

Meet Nerissa!

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Zoo InternQuest is a seven-week career exploration program for San Diego County high school juniors and seniors. Students have the unique opportunity to meet professionals working for the San Diego Zoo, Safari Park, and Institute for Conservation Research, learn about their jobs, and then blog about their experience online. Follow their adventures here on the Zoo’s website! Hello everyone! My name is Nerissa, and I am a senior trying my best to destress and enjoy my last year of high school. As a determined and ambitious young lady interested in pursuing International Environmental Policy, I am excited to begin my journey here at Zoo InternQuest where I can gain more insight into the field of conservation. When I was very little, I would come to the Zoo every week with my family. I absolutely loved feeding the lorikeets and petting the goats. But as I grew older, I had less time to go to the Zoo. Instead, my family would opt to take nature walks, allowing me to connect with the environment through nature photography. Now that I am so consumed with school, sports, and extracurriculars, I haven’t been able to rekindle that connection to the natural world. Hopefully through my Zoo InternQuest experience, I can get back in touch with the living, breathing world around me. Aside from my interests in conservation and the environment, I participate in many extracurriculars ranging from track and field to graphic design. Starting my freshman year, I have been a varsity high jumper on my school’s track team. Last year I started my school’s graphic design club, and this year, I started a local art publication called “Untitled. 01” featuring the visual arts at my school. I am proud of my accomplishments in high school, and each activity I have participated in has shaped me to be the driven, compassionate leader I am today. But on top of my endeavors within my local community, I am also an avid traveler. For the past few summers, I have taken on the daunting task of travelling alone internationally. My recent trips have opened my worldview and instilled in me a sense of independence and appreciation that are irreversible. I know that this journey I am about to embark on with Zoo InternQuest will have a similar impact on me as a person and as an academic. I am truly grateful for this unique opportunity I have been given, and I hope you will continue to follow me throughout my InternQuest experience. Nerissa Fall Session 2018

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