October 3, 2018

Meet Olivia!

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Zoo InternQuest is a seven-week career exploration program for San Diego County high school juniors and seniors. Students have the unique opportunity to meet professionals working for the San Diego Zoo, Safari Park, and Institute for Conservation Research, learn about their jobs, and then blog about their experience online. Follow their adventures here on the Zoo’s website! Hi everyone! My name is Olivia, and I am one of the newest interns here at the San Diego Zoo. Conservation is a subject that I have been passionate about since I was a little girl, and I am so excited to explore it further in the weeks to come while sharing what I learn with all of you. I am currently a senior in high school, who can’t wait to graduate and make my mark on the world. Caring for the environment and the life it supports has been a major part of my life since I was born (even though I didn’t know it yet). My mom made the decision to raise me vegetarian, for environmental and ethical reasons. Because of this, I have been very aware of the consequences my actions have on the environment since a young age. I grew up with a love for animals and a passion for protecting the environment, which one could probably see by the hoard of Junior Ranger badges I‘ve collected from my family’s many camping trips. In my spare time, you will likely find me doing something outdoorsy, whether that be hiking with my friends and family/dogs, or enjoying my day at one of San Diego’s beautiful beaches. I work part time at a dog-daycare, play soccer and guitar, and love to spend my time volunteering at the Greyhound Adoption Center. This past summer, I was given the opportunity to study abroad in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Although my time there was spent studying Spanish and advocating for children’s rights and education, I couldn’t help but notice how poorly the locals treated the environment, despite what a beautiful and ecologically diverse island Hispaniola is. It made me realize that conservation efforts are never going to be on a developing country’s primary agenda without individuals advocating for it. There are so many beautiful, diverse lands out there with no one advocating for them, and it was this realization that further peaked my interest in finding a future career rooted in being a champion for our planet. Although I am not sure what career that may be yet, I am sure InternQuest will provide me with many possibilities, and I am thrilled to share them with all with you! Olivia Fall Session 2018

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