January 26, 2017

Meet Gianfranco!

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Zoo InternQuest is a seven-week career exploration program for San Diego County high school juniors and seniors. Students have the unique opportunity to meet professionals working for the San Diego Zoo, Safari Park, and Institute for Conservation Research, learn about their jobs, and then blog about their experience online. Follow their adventures here on the Zoo’s website! GF_profile_picAs a child, I have always loved movies like Finding Nemo and Rio as they portrayed the beauty in biodiversity. Movies and children’s books have always been a huge inspiration to me; especially, when I was younger. Of course, back then I didn’t know why I enjoyed these things and parks like SeaWorld or the San Diego Zoo. Little did I know, this passion would be the beginning of a lifelong love of animals, nature, and learning itself. Growing up, it has been an ongoing joke amongst my family that I could spend days upstairs in my room working in my mini zoo. It all began with my dogs, two adorable miniature schnauzers, from which I learned a lot about the responsibility and empathy needed to care for other living things. My parents then entrusted me with the mighty popular goldfish. These fish set off my curiosity leading me to do years of research, and through trial and error, I was able to work my way up to more complex planted aquarium systems. One learns quite a bit with Google at their fingertips! My experience with aquariums also ended up lending itself to my interest in keeping reptiles and amphibians. My current list of guests include two dogs, a leopard gecko, a veiled chameleon, five fire bellied toads, many feeder insects, overgrown houseplants, cherry shrimp, and a number of different types of fish. While keeping all of these can be costly and time intensive, and is probably not the most popular thing for a teen to do, I’ve found the hobby to be very rewarding. As a junior in high school, I’ve enjoyed focusing on my AP Environmental Science course, learning about the varying anthropogenic environmental issues affecting our planet. I’m also currently very involved in maintaining my school’s recently established “peace garden”, and actively participating in both the Saving Lives of Threatened Species Club and Pets Club. Through this internship, I hope to explore becoming a veterinarian while continuing to develop my passion for biology. I also hope that you, the reader of this lengthy introduction, will join me in this amazing opportunity, so stay tuned to read all about it! Gianfranco Winter Session, 2017

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